while digital technologies for anybody not a secret that mobile phones have become a much more important element than conventional means of communication. Modern phones are not only able to replace a pocket camera, but also perform essential functions of the organizers, the navigators, and even mini-computers. With its multifunctional capabilities, mobile phones have become so popular. But what to do when at the most inopportune moment out of order is Your chief assistant in daily Affairs?!

the Most minor of problems in the system of smartphones, including phones and Vertu, can be solved by a simple reboot of the phone. If this does not help, we would not recommend You to do self-healing system, especially the replacement of any parts. This work should be performed only by a professional using all necessary and certified tools. Otherwise You can spoil your Vertu phone, after which it will be impossible to carry out repair work. Also do not forget about the quality of the spare parts you plan to install. Only certified service centers, You will be able to offer genuine spare part while properly install it.

In our service company Moscow you should not be afraid that the repair work will be conducted a few days or weeks! Because our technicians undergo continuous training, and in the workplace, there are professional tools and all the necessary spare parts in order to make any repair your Vertu phone, thanks to this, most of the orders executed on the day of the client's visit to our center.