Especially for owners of phones Vertu has developed an entire line of stylish and high quality accessories. It covered a whole range of telephone devices, including data cables.

Cables high quality allow to exchange data at high speeds without distortion or loss. Also using the same cable to your Vertu phone, you will never face the problem of inability to recognize your phone computer or tablet.

the Advantages of cables Vertu

  • high-quality insulation materials allow the use of cables, even in conditions of high humidity and high temperatures;

  • the
  • reliable and proven components cable protects against outside noise and provide a high-speed and high-quality transfer of information.

  • the
  • the use of precious materials such as gold and silver, in the manufacture of contacts;

  • the
  • durable in use.

Each cable before it enters the sell is thoroughly tested on modern equipment. In addition, the cables are tested for resistance to mechanical stress and aggressive media.

Due to the wide range of cables, Vertu, you can find the most convenient option for you.

Buy various kinds of cables for your Vertu phone you can on our website.